
We have tried surfing for four days. It was hard but it was a fun experience. At the first lesson did we learn to stand right on the board and paddle Cole, Nina and Ben, our leaders, helped us when we couldn't stand up right. We became very tired after three hours surfing. The waves were very high the first day.
(Jenny, Diane & Moa)

During the first four we left school at 11 to take the bus to the Beach. There we got our wetsuits, which were very hard to put on. After that we were handed the boards and headed for the beach. We hadn't expected that we were allowed to surf the first day. Everyone had different expectations. Some found it easy and some found it hard, but the majority of the surfers actually managed to stand up on the boards the first day.
(Amanda, Elin N, Elin H & Hanna S, Pelle)

The first thing we saw was these absolutely divine abs placed on our instructor Ben, (also called Ben-Ten after an action hero as good-looking as him). The second thing we saw was this huge... banana belonging to to our other instructor. After these experiences, we all took a deep breath and began preparing to catch some waves! Starting off with squeezing ourselves into these really right wetsuits and after that we warmed up - we, especially Gustav, were all psyched! And then went out into the ocean.

We gonna tell you about the last surfing day. The weather was good but the waves were really bad, so we couldn't surf at all. Instead we paddled out to a little tower. There we swimmed in a little pool, that had appeared out of the tides. We wanted to surf, but we had a fun time anyway. At the end of the day we took a picture together with our surf teachers. We want to thank our teachers for four lovely days.
(Gustav, Sara D, Lovisa E, Pernilla, Anna L, Rasmus, Charlotta, Märta, Mathilda K, Norah, Minna)


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